*Habits That Will Make Us Poor Forever* There are 9 habits we can develop that will make us poor forever. If we want to remain poor and desperate forever, let us try the following habits. 1. *Sleeping early and waking up late* Poor people sleep early and wake up late. Statistics from a popular researcher in USA showed that nearly 90% of the poor people sleep between 7pm and 9pm and wake up between 6am and 9am while rich people sleep earliest 9pm and wake up latest 6am. In life, the more time you dedicate into your work, the higher the chances of getting optimum results. Poor people don’t see the value of putting more time into their work, they simply work under instructions. 2. *Take a lot of alcohol daily and other hard drugs* The worst mistake you can make is to start swimming into alcohol. You will eventually become an addict, thus affecting your output. If you want to be rich, you must have specific time you take alcohol and the limit set. 3. *Keep lazy frie...