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A Look at the Coca Cola Products

( The Ingredients and the harmful effects on human health)


John Mary Ahimbisibwe (B. SC. Dip. Ed)


I would like to thank Professor Olwa Odyek of Makerere University, for encouraging me to write down my findings

I would like to thank the administration of Maryhill High School for allowing me to use some of their facilities.

I would also like to thank the staff of Greater African Radio for providing me with the Internet facility. Thanks go to Dr. Nkamuhayo Rwacumika ( Kaihura Nkuba) for the encouragement and support.

Lastly but not least, I would like to thank my wife Stella and children for having given me an environment without which I would not be able to prepare this work.


Soft drinks are today's rage, trend and fashion, especially among the youth. In Africa, especially in Uganda, it is not a surprise to see people diving for these soft drinks, if for example they served at parties or any function! A person would rather take a Coca Cola drink instead of mineral water!

This is a very good indicator that a big number of these consumers are ignorant of the fact that this colorful fluid, that comes in attractive bottles, is very harmful to their health.

Many scientific studies done in different parts of the world have revealed that drinking as few as one or two bottles of say Coca Cola, could increase one's risk for numerous health problems.

This booklet has been written to make people aware of the ingredients of these soft drinks and their harmful effects on people's health.


A number of scholars have done a lot research on these soft drinks. Some of these investigators include; Dr. Tony Vendryes, Mr. Sailen Ghosh, Vandane Luthra, Aurelia Louse Jones, William Frazier, Debjyot Das, Michael F. Jacobson, Justin Nylund, Professor Logan etc.

All these researchers concur that these soft drinks contain ingredients that have harmful effects on human health.

All their findings agree that the following chemical ingredients are present in most of the different brands of soft drinks.

Phosphoric acid


Refined sugar

Sweeteners i.e. aspartame and saccharine

Caramel and other artificial colorings


Sodium benzoate

Hydroxyl methyl furfural (HMF)


Phosphoric Acid

Soft drinks contain phosphoric acid and other acids such as benzoic, acetic, fumaric and gluconic acids.

Phosphoric acid is added to the soft drinks to create the fizz and bubbles in the attractive drink. However, when the soft drink is taken in large amounts, the phosphoric acid being a strong acid, it disturbs the delicate balance between calcium and phosphorus in the blood and causes some amount of calcium to be lost in the urine. As the body tries to compensate, diseases such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, gout, bone spurs, bunions, kidney stones etc occur.

Phosphoric acid found in the fizz and bubbles of the soft drinks also fights with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach causing the stomach to be ineffective, causing indigestion, gassing or bloating.

Again, phosphoric acid with these other acids put soft drinks in the category of foods and drinks that are extremely acid forming. Because of these acids, the pH of carbonated soft drinks is between 2-4. To counter the effect of the acid, one would need 32 glasses of highly alkaline water, to neutralize the effect of drinking one bottle (330ml) of soda!

It may not take place immediately, but consumption of such highly acidic drinks corrode the teeth, there is inflammation of the stomach and intestines hence causing a great harm to the stomach lining. This results into ulcers and other inflammatory diseases.

More to this, the research made indicates that there is a correlation between acids increasing the risk of diseases. An acid environment in the body sets up the foundation for viruses, bacteria and cancer cells to develop.

Carbon dioxide

Soft drinks contain carbon dioxide in them. The carbon dioxide together with phosphoric acid are used to cause the fizz and flavoring. If consumed, it increases the acidity further, and the carbon dioxide depletes the amount of oxygen in the body and this increases the risk of cancer.

Refined sugar

Soft drinks contain a lot of refined sugar.  Firstly, the amount of sugar that is consumed through these soft drinks leads to the formation of dental carries. This means that the bacteria gets attached to the teeth and produces high amounts of acid from the sugars and other acids spoiling the teeth. Secondly, refined sugar induces both hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and hyperglycemia ( high blood sugar) as in diabetes.


Caffeine is added in small amounts to soft drinks. Caffeine is an additive drug that has the ability to stimulate mental alertness and it is a major cause of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder (ADD) in children; it causes rapid heart beat, elevated blood pressure, excessive urination and constricts the blood vessels to the brain. 

Caffeine increases the release of adrenaline, stresses the adrenal glands and elevates the blood sugar. Excess dozes cause aggression, recklessness and shouting.


Soft drinks contain sweeteners such as aspartame. Aspartame is about 280 times sweeter than the normal tea sugar.

Aspartame breaks down in the body into three substances I.e. Aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol. These chemicals are highly damaging to the brain. Ailments associated with the ingestion of aspartame from soft drinks include; brain tumours, diabetes, lymphoma, headaches, breathing difficulties, weight gain, birth defects, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease etc. There are about 50 more ailments associated with taking this sweetener.

Caramel Coloring

Soft drinks contain caramel Coloring. The color seen in the soft drink such as the Coca Cola brand is known as caramel. This artificial colour has been found to be having  negative genetic effect. It has also been found to be a cancer causing substance.

Sunset Yellow or Yellow 6 dye

Sunset Yellow or Yellow 6 dye is an Azo dye and coal tar derivative. It is the third most used food colouring. It is used in colouring Fanta orange soft drink, one of the brands of Coca Cola Products

Research indicates that the dye provokes allergic reactions such as nausea, and vomiting, abdominal pain and hyperactivity. It also increases incidences of tumours in humans in the adrenal gland and kidneys. The dye has been banned in Norway.


Another name for carmoisine is azorubine.

Carmoisine is used as a soft drinks colouring especially in Fanta orange brand of Coca Cola Products. It is also a coal tar derivative. Research indicates that it produces a reaction in asthmatic people and those who are allergic to aspirin. Carmoisine has been banned in Sweden, USA, Austria and Norway.


In some places, aluminum cans are used as soft drinks containers. When such containers are used to hold the soft drinks, the aluminum gets into the soft drinks because phosphoric acid eats away the aluminum containers. When ingested, the aluminum gets deposited in the brain and bones. This is one of the causes of the Alzheimer's disease and osteoporosis.

Sodium benzoate

Sodium benzoate is a preservative very much used in the preservation of soft drinks. Sodium benzoate causes asthma and provokes hyperactivity in children. It is also reputed for causing neurological disorders and nettle rash.

Hydroxyl methyl furfural (HMF)

Soft drinks stored at temperatures above 37°C, especially in the tropical countries, produce HMF

This chemical has been found to be neurotoxic, genotoxic, cytotoxic and tumorgenic.

The Research done in Uganda

A research was carried out in Uganda. The pH of all brands of Coca Cola Products was tested. The presence of the above ingredients was also tested.


The pH of all Coca Cola brands was found to between 1.5 to 3.0

The ingredients confirmed were;

Refined sugar

Phosphoric acid

Carbon dioxide

Sodium benzoate

The identification of the other ingredients required high precision apparatus and chemicals which the researcher lacked. 

It is hopped that more research will be made to a certain these ingredients and this will make all of us aware of what we consume so that a decision can be made.


The largest number of soft drinkers are not aware of this kind of information and companies are not ready to disclose such information because their markets would be affected. 

This booklet is the first of it's kind to give out this awareness.


Soft drinks companies are the most aggressive marketers in the world. They have used advertising and other techniques to increase sales. They make sure their products are always readily available and accessible. There is a lot of deception going on especially on the ingredients, so better be careful whenever you want to take what type of soft drink.

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